Celestite Meaning

Celestite, also known as Celestine, is a mineral that forms blue crystals. Celestite is often associated with divine power and is thought to increase understanding, higher consciousness, as well as mindfulness when used in meditation and prayer.
Celestite is a mineral composed of strontium sulfate (SrSO4). Its name is derived from Latin word Caelestis, meaning "celestial", which was inspired by the crystals’ well-known shades of sky blue. This mineral can occur in geodes as crystals. Celestite can also occur as fibers in sedimentary rock: river, streams, and ocean beds. The crystals are also often found growing alongside Gypsum, Anhydrite and Halite.
Celestite is found worldwide in small quantities. The pale blue specimens that the name is derived from are found in Madagascar and Sicily, Italy. It can also occur as colorless, white, pale blue, pink, pale green, pale brown, and black. Orange specimens have been found in Ontario, Canada. Other interesting names for the mineral include Coelestine, Eschwegite (of Lévy), Sicilianite.
History & Modern Uses

In addition to its divine connotations, Celestite is important in the scientific community due to one of the elements it contains in its composition: strontium. Protozoa creatures called Acantharea composed their rudimentary skeletons of Celestite by biomineralizing or creating the mineral using strontium. They were the only creatures to do this. Interestingly, because of their crystal-fibrous skeletons, this gave their single cell bodies a star-like appearance. As an effect, these creatures did not fossilize but crystalize into Celestite cultures.
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Haeckel_Acanthometra.jpg#/media/File:Haeckel_Acanthometra.jpg | Due to their Celestine composed crystal-fibrous skeletons, these single-cell organisms take on a star-like appearance. This can be seen from scientific sketches.
The mineral itself started being called ‘Celestite’ in 1798. This was sometime after the formal description of the element strontium in 1792. Celestine is also the main natural source for the element strontium, which is mixed into a metal salt and used to create red-colored fireworks. While one would expect strontium to possibly create blue fireworks, it does not burn as blue. The element copper, known for its orange-red color, burns as blue and is used to make blue fireworks instead.
Due to the fragility of Celestite, they are hard to cut and facet. While they can be cut, stones of Celestite rarely exceed 10 carats. It is more common to find them in small jewelry pieces or as raw, uncut, geode crystal displays of various sizes.
Celestite Metaphysical Properties

Associated with celestial beings, Celestite is strongly connected to divine energy and cosmic supernatural forces. As the result, this gem is best used for pursuing spiritual strength. Celestite also promotes discernment or higher spiritual awareness. This makes the stone good for gaining understanding and promoting inner peace.
How to use Celestite for Healing
Celestite is best used as a focus point of meditation, prayer, or mindfulness. This stone does very well as a visual piece in private space used for mindfulness practices.
Celestite jewelry would also be good for mindfulness totems: reminders of mindfulness during daily living. Examples of good installations of Celestine include earrings, pendants, and brooches. Rings, as well as bracelets, are discouraged as they are prone to knicks and bumps that could compromise the piece.
Remember to always charge pieces with celestial energy: the sun or the moon. The sun is good for encouraging life-affirming energy, good for mindfulness practices for daily activities. The moon for emotional intuitive power, good for encouraging emotional intelligence and reminders of thoughtfulness. *Do not leave Celestite in strong or direct sunlight for prolonged periods of time, as this will fade the color *
For cleansing, Selenite plates or slabs work well for smaller pieces. For larger geodes, a little bit of Palo Santo works just fine.
Celestite Chakra Benefits

Celestite is associated with the third eye chakra, Anja: wisdom, understanding, mindfulness and higher consciousness. The third eye chakra is primarily linked to the pituitary gland, which regulates serotonin. Balanced Anja benefits include intuition, perception, imagination, good memory, good dream recall, improved visualization, encouraging an open-mind and an ability to see the big picture.
Combining the divine properties of Celestite with meditation practices allows for better recognition of what you have control over. Most importantly, the properties of Celestine should encourage us to learn to become at peace with what we don't have control over. This is the wisdom and understanding that Celestine can help us remember during meditation practices.
Celestite Zodiac Signs

Celestite compliments Libra for improving emotional clarity. Libra’s strength is in the heart chakra or sincerity. Celestite and its accompanying associations can encourage Libra to understand their emotions.
Celestite compliments Gemini for improving self-acceptance. Gemini’s strength is in the throat chakra, or for communication. Accompanied by meditation practice, Celestine can encourage great communicators to have enough understanding and knowledge of self to guide others.
See Available Celestite Crystal Specimens Here
Common Questions
Common Questions
Celestite Vs. Celestine? What's The Difference?
There is no difference between Celestite and Celestine; the names Celestite and Celestine can be used interchangeably to refer to the same mineral. These names are derived from Latin word Caelestis, meaning "celestial, which was inspired by the crystals’ well-known shades of sky blue.
Celestite Vs. Angelite? Are Celestite and Angelite the Same?
Celestite and Angelite are not exactly the same stone. They share a similar chemical composition and metaphysically, they are in the same realm. Angelite is Blue Anhydrite from Peru. Anhydrite is a mineral, CaSO4 in the in orthorhombic crystal system. Celestite is the mineral strontium sulfate (SrSO4), it forms light blue crystals and is also in the orthorhombic system.