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Rainbow Bismuth

Rainbow Bismuth

Regular price $45.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $45.00 USD
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High-Quality Bismuth - This is a large rainbow Bismuth crystal with lots of well-formed, spiraling crystals. You will receive the exact Bismuth shown. Bismuth is a fun, fascinating crystal that offers uplifting energy and otherworldly charm. Bismuth crystals are an oddity in the natural world, being the most diamagnetic metal - this means it is repelled by a magnetic. Rainbow Bismuth is a stone thought to help one acclimate to new environments and feel surrounded by support. It encourages more outgoing behavior and to draw positivity into one's life through others.

You will receive the exact Bismuth shown
Size: 2.5in x 1.5in x 1.2in
Ships within 2 business days from Cape Cod Crystals
Grown in Germany

Is this Bismuth Natural? No. While Bismuth does occur in nature, it does not occur like this! These crystals are created with Bismuth that is put in a controlled environment to produce an exceptional specimen. In nature, Bismuth is not colorful and only rarely produces this crystal structure.
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